
We at “The Light by the Sea”, have been operating photography, community and people development initiatives, primarily associated with surfing, since the mid 1990’s.

This website merges once separate initiatives under one brand to convey how surfing, photography and community development can complement and bring positive change to lives – here and abroad.

Our aim is to encourage, support and help establish groups of like-minded people who desire to invest in coastal communities. We do this by networking, profiling, supporting and implementing initiatives that positively contribute to surfers and their communities.

Besides our local initiatives, we provide facilitation and consultancy to a number of international initiatives. Read about some of them in our blog.

We hope you feel encouraged and challenged and maybe even consider investing your time, skill and finance into coastal communities.

Email us if you would like to know more or collaborate. Our current capacity is small but our networks are broad and we will do what we can.

Hope to see you in the lineup, at the beach, or through my camera lens.

the Light by the Sea
